Having to dig deep today as a change agent
As a change agent, I have committed my life to teaching and sharing the skills and strategies to navigate difficult situations and create truly inclusive, socially just organizations while maintaining the passion and energy critical to create meaningful, sustainable change. But today, I am struggling to use these tools in my own life. On a roller coaster, wondering what it is all for… This roller coaster of extreme emotions from Alabama last week to the tax scam this week… from feeling so useful this week as I coached so many brilliant, talented people to waking up today wondering what it is all for…. And yet I know we will move…
You’re Passionate About Leading Change. But Are You Close To Burnout?
How Can Creating Meaningful Social Change Cause Burnout? Burned out from passion? Sounds like an oxymoron. How can you suffer burnout from something you are so committed to doing? Easy. When you’re passionate about something, when you put your heart and soul into it… You live it. Your cause matters. You put so much energy into your work and changing injustice that you forget all about your own self-care. And then – it hits you all at once (but if you were being mindful, you’d notice little signs of burnout creeping in). You feel DEPLETED. You’ve neglected your HEALTH. Your relationships are suffering. You don’t think you can continue on…
If you’re neglecting self-care, you’re on the road to burnout
When we need it the most, in these troublesome times, we’re neglecting our self-care. Recently, I find myself feeling deeply discouraged and wondering if anything I’ve been doing as a change agent really matters. Unfortunately, I’m not alone: I am meeting more and more leaders and activists who are very close to deep burnout. And we’re neglecting our self-care. Without any measurable efforts to focus on our own self-care and healing as change agents, we’re in the fast lane to serious burnout. In my workshops and coaching sessions, I see so many change agents running on empty. We sleep just enough to have the energy to pull ourselves out of…
5 Practical Strategies to Overcome Burnout When You’re a Change Agent
Social Justice Change Agents, Can You Relate? Burnout. Passion fatigue. It’s something I’m seeing a lot more of these days. And yes, bad-ass change agents, I’m seeing it in you, too. You’re on the front lines working tirelessly for social justice and greater inclusion in our organizations and our world. But… Too Many Change Agents Are Neglecting Self-Care As an advocate and activist, you’re going out there every day putting in long hours to create meaningful change as you bring awareness to social justice issues. In the midst of all this, way too many of us are neglecting self-care. Answer me this: How often do you feel depleted? Had your…
Just what is a change agent? Are you one?
What is a change agent, exactly? I hear this question a lot. Too often, people believe that you have to be a senior leader or someone with some advanced or specialized level of training to be a change agent. This couldn’t be further from the truth, and I want to help dispel that myth right here. Defining a Change Agent To help you understand the definition of what a change agent is, I find it helpful to explain it in the context of a few key questions: Do people regularly come to you for advice, counseling and/or coaching? You can be a change agent. Are you concerned or frustrated with…