Having to dig deep today as a change agent
As a change agent, I have committed my life to teaching and sharing the skills and strategies to navigate difficult situations and create truly inclusive, socially just organizations while maintaining the passion and energy critical to create meaningful, sustainable change.
But today, I am struggling to use these tools in my own life.
On a roller coaster, wondering what it is all for…
This roller coaster of extreme emotions from Alabama last week to the tax scam this week… from feeling so useful this week as I coached so many brilliant, talented people to waking up today wondering what it is all for….
And yet I know we will move through these challenging times as we have before. As I celebrate another birthday next week in my 6th decade, I remember all the challenging times in our country, our world and in my own life that seemed so desperately bleak and overwhelming.
And with hard work, persistent dedication, and deep love and faith in the world we envision, we made progress. Slowly, surely, over time, I believe there have been many shifts and changes that shore up the foundation to build the justice and liberation I know in my soul is possible.
Together, we CAN do this hard thing.
As Carrie Newcomer sings, “You can do this hard thing.” Since 1st hearing her song a year ago after the disastrous national election, her words have been a comforting, motivating mantra for me.
And today I am repeating them over & over again to counter-balance all the thoughts of grief and rage and hopelessness that seep into my consciousness.
I will feel these feelings so they float by like clouds and don’t stay stuck in my body and psyche, depleting my energy and passion once again… but today it feels harder than yesterday to find the inner resources to get up and keep going.
But I will – and we will – together.
Last night was the longest night of 2017. As we awake today on Solstice, may we each recommit to:
- Doing our part to bring in more light each day to those around us.
- Fostering greater enlightenment with our families, our colleagues, our neighbors, our communities.
- Living in our strength, utilizing our unique power to help move toward a world of true equity, justice, and liberation.
- Mentoring and supporting others to step up into their power, live in their strength, and spread their light.
Of course, I’m talking about justice for all! Not just for the very wealthy and those with political power, but truly for each and every human being across race, class, disability status, sexuality, gender identity, religion and spirituality, ethnicity and culture, and every other “difference” that is used to privilege a very few at the expense and dehumanization of the vast majority of people on this earth. Bring the light into your heart, move from a grounding of love and faith and get up each day and recommit your full being to do these hard things.
Now more than ever before, we need to come together as a community of change agents to support one another and to stand for what we believe in. I’m rolling out a very special course that will show you how to sustain the amazing work you do, “In It For The LONG Haul…”
I would love to have you join us so you can not only take better care of yourself (after all, you can’t give from an empty cup) – but so that you can take what you’ll learn and share it with others. Click here to start the year off strong by signing up for my course.