5 Ways to Overcome Burnout This Season
Tis the season…for sparkling lights, glittering gift boxes and dazzling displays.
But get real and admit it.
You’ve lost your spark.
In fact, you’re barely lit. You’re going through the motions, but there’s no passion, there’s no excitement. You’re going through the motions – but there’s no zeal, no fire in you.
This isn’t just holiday blues. This goes much deeper.
For a change agent, this is almost a death blow.
Recognizing the Reality of Burnout
People are wanting more from us as change agents, and yet when you go inside, you realize you’re running on fumes, you’re exhausted.
You’re beginning to feel helpless and hopeless at times. I know I’ve been there. Sometimes I even feel doubtful, asking myself if what I’m doing is making a difference. It’s like being on a roller coaster.
Can you relate?
The truth is – if we don’t practice the self-care that all of us are so very deserving of, we won’t be there in times of crisis to keep going.
Taking care of yourself is as vitally important as the work you’re doing as a change agent.
Time’s running out! Click here to sign up for my newest course rolling out Jan. 5th, In It for the LONG Haul. Don’t wait – sign up before 12/21 to claim YOUR HALF-PRICE scholarship!
Learn all the strategies you need to reignite your passion for the incredible work you do – and stay on top of self-care permanently. Plus, you’ll be able to take all you’ve learned and share it with others – a win-win.
Easy Tips to Help Overcome Burnout
Recognizing burnout symptoms – before there is a total collapse – is vital. As change agents, we’re doers. There’s things we can do for ourselves to minimize burnout.
I’ve come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent.
Caring for myself is an act of survival.
–Audre Lore
- Notice the all the things you say to yourself that sabotage any effort to take a little more “me” time. Recognize those messages that undermine yourself. Mentally keep track of all the put-downs you say to yourself. You might be surprised at the thoughts streaming through your head!
- When you learn to recognize those undermining messages, create declarations of self care: I deserve to take care of myself – and I will. I can only serve others if I continue to replenish my reserves. I will put myself on top of my to-do list so I can be helpful to others. There is always enough time to take care of me. I am already enough, just as I am.
- When you’ve had a realization of the negative messages you’ve been telling yourself, then observe what you’re feeding yourself physically. Are you using food, alcohol, sugar or other substances to cover over emotions? Suddenly stopping can cause emotions to resurface when you least expect it. Take small yet sustainable steps to follow a healthy lifestyle.
- Create tools in the moment to shift how you’re using your time. What’s depleting you? Like puzzle pieces, we can replace an activity that brings us down with one that rejuvenates. Whether it’s a walk with your partner, watching a movie, partaking in a favorite hobby, or a long, relaxing nap…REJUVENATE!
- Be accountable to yourself – and honest with yourself. Go through my Checklist for Change Agents. Once you actually see on paper how burnout is creeping in (or how it has already taken over), you’ll be motivated to rescue yourself from its bottomless pit.
You need to sustain yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. I call it my three-legged stool of sustainability. Shifting how you eat, drink, exercise, play, sleep and rejuvenate can result in a pretty rapid change in your energy and stamina.
If you’re one of the thousands of change agents on the verge of burnout, don’t brush off the warning signs! Don’t make excuses. That’s what we’re fighting against in our work – excuses, blatant warning signs, destructive negativity. To continue our critical work as change agents, each and every one of us MUST TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES first.
It can take only six weeks to become a more effective change agent as you learn about the power of self-care in my new course. In six weeks, we’ll come together for open coaching calls. We’ll share where we are, how we’re feeling – you’ll not only learn how to stay on top of your game in 2018 and beyond – but how to help others do the same.
Don’t miss out – Jan 5th is right around the corner! Click here to sign up for my newest course, In It for the LONG Haul. Act fast (before 12/21) to claim your HALF-PRICE scholarship – you’ve earned it!
If you have any questions for me at all or want to learn more about this info-packed course, join me 12/14 for a completely free info call where I’ll talk about burnout as it relates specifically to change agents. Claim your seat here.