Part 2: Infusing Diversity and Inclusion into Everything We Do
“If you see with your heart, all masks disappear.” Sufi saying Most training and educational sessions that address topics related to interpersonal skills, team dynamics, and leadership can readily apply the 2nd layer for infusing diversity and inclusion. There are two key elements in this layer: Use examples and images that shift the traditional ways of depicting people based on their Insider and Outsider group memberships. (Note: The particular terms ~ Insider/Outsider ~ may be more understandable to most participants. I also use the terms “dominant and subordinated groups,” “one-up/one-down groups” and “marginalized” or “under-represented groups” depending on the context of the session. I believe any of these terms can…
Part 1: Infusing Diversity and Inclusion into Everything We Do
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”- Goethe As I begin this adventure into the world of blogging, my intent is to share what I know and believe about effective design and facilitation of sessions that address issues of diversity, inclusion, and social justice. As I consult with colleagues at colleges and universities across the country, more and more people are asking for the tools to not only facilitate foundational social justice 101 sessions, but also the skills to infuse inclusion throughout all of their training and development programs. Most organizations seem to only address issues of diversity and inclusion in “stand alone”…