Diversity. Everyone’s talking about it. But why aren’t efforts paying off?
Why do even well-intended diversity efforts often fall short of expected outcomes – or do little more than to increase awareness? I hear that question a lot. It’s that very question that inspired me to write my most recent article. And it all starts with a metaphor on … trifocals. Curious? Take a few minutes out to read more.
Have Diversity Efforts at Your Organization Hit a Snag?
I do not label myself an “expert” - but I’ve had decades of training and experience that have allowed me to develop best practices for creating equitable, socially just environments that actively promote diversity and inclusion. It wasn’t always that way. Earlier in my career as a college administrator and an organizational consultant I used to teach a wide variety of courses on various interpersonal skills - with little or no direct reference to the issues of equity and inclusion. Why am I sharing this with you? To show you that change is ALWAYS possible.