So You Were Called Racist. Now What?
When I was called racist, I felt shattered…confused, ashamed, incompetent…
Me? I mean, really. Focusing solely on my own experiences of marginalization as a woman and as a lesbian, I believed I didn’t – couldn’t – have a racist bone in my body.
But the problem? Many of us are trained to have racist beliefs and attitudes.
It’s as if we’re born a white slate – and everyone writes upon it. Good, bad, ugly.
We think because we don’t speak racial slurs or utter comments that are outwardly offensive, we’re not racist. But we may think them – even if we never say a word.
Racism can be very subtle, and I’m willing to bet there are racist dynamics occurring around you that you’re not even aware of. You know…one of those things where when it’s brought to your attention you instantly proclaim, “I can’t believe I didn’t see that before!”
You are not alone. But now, there’s a difference. You want to take action. You want to intentionally expand your community of white allies and raise the bar on the expected level of competence and capacity for everyone in your organization.
And in my 3-hour Virtual Institute on 2/22, I’ll share with you how you can Interrupt and Dismantle Racism. Learn more about this intense training here.
Start With Yourself – Then Share With Your Community
As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson
Each and every one of us has our strengths and weaknesses. And the quote above from Marianne Williamson sums it up perfectly – when we each let our light shine, it lights up our world – and together we can create more inclusive environments in our organizations, campuses, and businesses large and small.
When we work together – taking individual plusses and minuses and adding them together for a total of positivity and productivity – we help make our world a better place.
When we include everyone, we regain a sense of pride in our work and in ourselves. We can each be a role model for others – and support them on their journey to wholeness as they UNLEARN racist beliefs.
YOU can be the catalyst, right where you are now.
Invite other white colleagues and friends who are open, curious, and care about change – but may not yet have the tools and skills to recognize and interrupt racist dynamics in themselves and others – to take part in my 2/22 Virtual Institute, Interrupt and Dismantle Racism. Change starts here.
One Prerequisite to Enroll In This Virtual Institute
There’s just one basic prerequisite to take part in this intense 3-hour training…
What’s needed?
You’re curious – and interested – and want to become an ally for change. That’s all that’s needed. You don’t have to be a seasoned change agent.
You’ve hit the ENOUGH button. You’ve reached a point where you’ve had enough of the racist dynamics playing out all around. (And truth be told, there are probably racist dynamics happening that you’re not even aware of, but more on that in the training.)You’ve witnessed the pain it inflicts, you’ve seen the detrimental effects in your organization and your community.
So, what are you waiting for?! Gather together a group of colleagues to broaden your community of white allies and change agents working to create racial justice – and get ready to take part on 2/22 in this intense Virtual Institute, Interrupt and Dismantle Racism.
Highlights of the Virtual Institute, Interrupt and Dismantle Racism
- Recognize how to identify racist beliefs and attitudes that are occurring within you – and within your organization.
- Learn to use a Race Lens to analyze all policies, practices and programs to ensure they support the needs of everyone you serve.
- Fill in the gaps of education, awareness, and skill development for a wider range of people in your organization.
Join colleagues across the nation in this engaging and interactive 3-hour virtual workshop on Feb 22, Interrupt and Dismantle Racism.
Now is the time deepen your capacity to recognize and interrupt racist attitudes and behaviors that occur all around us each and every day!