Our Top 5 Posts on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion … and more!
Here are 5 of our most popular posts that you may find helpful – all in one quick go-to reference. Want to gain access to our brand new and ever-growing comprehensive Knowledge Base packed with info on all the topics that matter most to you? Click here to join free!
Without further ado, here’s a fast summary of the 5 top posts. To read more, just click the links…
1) When TMI Happens at a Training on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
It happens sometimes.
Your organization is committed to inclusion. Training sessions offer participants the opportunity to reflect, discuss and comment on exclusion and discrimination within the organization. And the dialogue is meaningful.
But shortly after an intense sharing discussion, a participant expresses concern that they’ve shared a little too much.
As a result, they may feel awkward, uncomfortable, nervous or even scared.
Thinking that’s a problem? It doesn’t have to be.
2) Bosses and Staff Together At Inclusion Sessions: Yes or No?
Discussing discrimination and exclusion in the workplace can prove even more challenging when bosses – who have the power to hire and fire – are themselves the ones needing the most training on inclusion practices.
So what’s the correct way to hold sessions? Include supervisors and not have full employee input? Or leave the bosses out even though you recognize they’re in need of equity and inclusion training as well?
I prefer to include supervisors and staff together. Here’s why.
3) Reignite the Passion for Your Work With Self-Care
More and more change agents and activists are in deep burnout these days – and they don’t even realize it. They are still getting up every morning to work for social justice, but things just don’t feel like they used to.
But as dedicated change agents, they keep on. The challenge is that they are depleting themselves, endangering their health, and undermining their long-term capacity to sustain activism and effective change work.
You CANNOT neglect self-care. Ever…
4) Identify Your Hot Buttons at Work to Respond More Effectively.
Hot buttons. Everybody’s got ‘em.
OK, admit it. Sometimes co-workers, colleagues or work situations irritate you.
And to add insult to injury, you get even more annoyed when those around you don’t seem to be bothered by any of it.
5) Interrupt Racism, The White Way Is Not The Only Way
As we grew up, most of us didn’t realize we were being educated to believe white is right. I was socialized as a college administrator in predominantly white organizations that reinforced white cultural practices as the right way – the only way – to serve students.
It never occurred to me that the dances I coordinated or the training I designed and facilitated did not address the needs and issues of students of color. I simply perpetuated ideas and approaches that I’d been taught by others whites without questioning the impact across race.
This is a hard reality to acknowledge and admit. Can you relate?
And there you have it…a summary of our 5 most popular posts. Don’t forget to jump on over to our brand new Knowledge Base!
Get fast, easy, and free access to lots of short video clips of me answering your questions about designing and facilitating powerful workshops on equity, inclusion and social justice…and this comprehensive resource is ever expanding. Be sure to share this link with your colleagues so that as many people as possible can benefit!