White Ally Development Program


Facilitating effective dialogues with whites takes significant skill, self awareness, patience and humility. Too often well-intentioned white Student Affairs practitioners and faculty engage other whites without a strong theoretical framework or a clear destination. Discussions with whites to explore issues of race and racism, if mismanaged, increase the chance that participants will re-enter the campus community with even greater frustration, anger and hardened racial stereotypes.

Kathy can design and facilitate a White Ally Development Program for staff and faculty designed to deepen their capacity to facilitate dialogues and learning activities with white students, staff, and faculty to:

  • Develop the passion and commitment to step-up as white allies on campus
  • Engage in authentic dialogue about issues of race, racial stereotypes, racism, whiteness, and internalized dominance
  • Increase self-awareness of their own racial socialization experiences and racial journey
  • Understand and recognize white privilege
  • Explore the common daily examples of internalized dominance
  • Recognize common microaggressions on campus and in the local community
  • Interrupt microaggressions effectively and educate others in the process
  • Engage in difficult dialogues with their peers about issues of race and racism
  • Identify action steps to create greater inclusion on campus