ANNOUNCING: The Center for Transformation and Change
It was a great day! Recently, one of the people in my year-long Certification Program observed me facilitating a day-long workshop on creating inclusive organizations. I believed she learned a lot and I appreciated her observations and feedback as we debriefed over dinner.
Each passing day since the election, I am ever more deeply committed to work with a small group of bad-ass change agents in this Certification Program!
Can you relate to being on this roller-coaster of extreme emotions since November? Feeling rage, grief, fear, disbelief, and now also a deep sense of urgency and resolve that we each must move fully into our power, consistently speak our truth, and continuously mobilize others to create change and ensure justice for all.
People see me as a powerful mobilizer and change agent who can take people from denial and complacency to inspiration and action. A lot of people think this came naturally to me; that it’s just a gift I have and other people don’t. Here’s the truth: These are cultivated and teachable sets of skills and ways of being that I spent decades developing. If I have learned them, then you can too!
I have often shared my training materials and innovative ideas with facilitators and leaders who reached out to me, but I have never done much else to build the capacity of others to do what I do. It has just seemed far too hard and way too time-consuming.
That ends now. This is something that I can no longer keep to myself just so that I have more time for my own business or another vacation. These are skills and capacities I need to share so more people have the ability to disrupt the status quo and provoke the breadth of change that is necessary in our world. We each must do our part. I commit today to do more, be more, and, most importantly, to share more.
I am going to train and develop as many people as I can in my processes and methods. We need more leaders and healers right now! If you feel called to go big and up your game, if you want to know all that I know, please take the risk and reach out today.
I am committed to creating a community of leaders to learn with me as they find their truest calling and clearest courage to step up and create the world they envision.
We are all busy, none of us may feel we have the time to commit to do more and be more. If you are reading this, my guess is you feel like you have already done as much as any human can be reasonably expected to do. And yet, the stakes are just too high for us to not find a way to do that which seems impossible – to create space for deeper, more meaningful transformation.
You know that change can start inside your organization. One way we will make the world better is to create more inclusive institutions from the inside out as we also organize and mobilize to create societal change. We can’t stand by and watch the people we cherish continue to be harmed and excluded in our organizations.
That’s why I have created The Center for Transformation and Change where I work in a year-long Certification Program with a small group of badass change agents who want to know what I know, do what I do, and create more than I can imagine!
In this intensive mentoring and coaching opportunity, you will help expedite transformation and create exponential growth and change in the lives and organizations you love and are called to serve.
We must step up now! We can’t keep looking around and expecting somebody else to lead the charge.
Together through the Certification Program, we will develop a deeply personal, intense mentoring and coaching relationship where you can ask any question, observe me training and consulting, and see the inner workings behind the scenes of how I do what I do.
And you can have access to any and everything I have learned, written, and developed over the last 30+ years as I have worked to heal others, re-imagine organizations, and create true social justice for all.
I feel a deep sense of urgency to accelerate our capacity to manifest the world we envision. If you share my passion and vision and want to learn with me to create greater transformation, please reach out so we can connect.
At The Center for Transformation and Change, you can choose among several Certification Programs or create your own personalized program to significantly increase your demonstrated capacity as a leader and change agent as you live on purpose.
Unleash the powerful leader you are meant to be
- Move into your own power and claim your calling
- Show-up as a magnificent leader, trainer, and healer
- Navigate and resolve difficult, complex situations
- Harness the courage to speak up and influence change
- Learn how to listen and work with people whose values and priorities make your heart scream
- Stop hiding in plain sight at meetings, rallies, and conferences instead of stepping into the leadership role you know in your heart you need to take on
- Infuse radical self-care practices into your life to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you can create the next level of transformation and healing in the world
Design and facilitate kick-ass trainings that create measurable transformation
- Learn advanced, innovative design and facilitation tools
- Master the skills to facilitate difficult dialogues
- Effectively navigate your own triggered emotions and show up more effectively
- Move members of privileged groups from denial to inspired action
- Support members of marginalized groups in their healing and empowerment
Lead strategic, sustainable organizational change
- Utilize tools and strategies to mobilize people at all levels to create inclusive, socially just organizations
- Implement change management strategies that increase buy-in and maximize meaningful results
- Engage and transform resistance into productive energy and innovative ideas
Expand your influence and legacy in the world
- Create or expand your training, consulting, coaching, and/or speaking business
- Learn more tools for transformational coaching and consulting
- Revolutionize how you create change with members of privileged groups
In the process of learning with me, you will apply all of these tools and concepts to your own life and experience amazing growth you can’t even imagine now!
I wish I could take 50,000,000 people under my wing, but the truth is that in order to do this right, I can only work with a very small and highly motivated select group. I am looking for people who know in their heart that now is the time they need to step forward and be counted among the leaders in this critical moment in history. Maybe you or someone you know is already a leader, but are not showing up in as big a way as they could be. The time for hanging around the fringes has come to an end. If you know you can’t miss the chance to move into your calling, live the life you imagine, and create the change you are here to manifest, but you just can’t figure out how to do it quickly and efficiently, this Certification Program could be for you.
I envision expanding The Center for Transformation and Change in the next couple of years to exponentially increase the number of people we serve and support. To grow the Center, I will need to work with more colleagues. I intend to choose my future partners from among those who successfully complete this year-long Certification Program. Are you part of my future?
I am holding nothing back. I hope you don’t either. I am all in! I hope you are, too.
Go here to learn more or nominate someone for this life-changing program.
Or get started by joining me for a LIVE 30-minute informational call. Just click on a time/date below to get the details…