Come Experience Envision 2020: The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference
Want to take the headache out of attending professional conferences? Who doesn’t!
All those course titles and descriptions that flood our email inboxes around this time of year sound compelling. But let’s get real.
Skip the Hassles this Conference Season
You just don’t have the time. Travel time. Waiting at the airport, waiting in traffic.
And conferences…sitting for long hours in a crowded room in an uncomfortable chair, trying to pay attention, but distracted by continual coughing and sneezing…and those ‘what-if’ thoughts start…what if it’s the flu? Or a virus?
Then there’s those non-learning hours after the conference is over for the day…you know, when you’re thinking about all your responsibilities at home. You’re torn: you really want to learn fresh perspectives and deepen your professional capacity…but…
I can relate to all those concerns! That’s why I’m excited to offer my comprehensive skill development package of engaging resources, Envision 2020: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference. The truth is, there is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to professional development.
While your colleagues are traveling to further their own professional development, you’re making the most of your time (& still learning) in your own comfortable environment, on your terms. It’s a win-win situation!
“We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning.”
– Elliot Masie
The Multifaceted Envision 2020: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference
Committing to continue your efforts to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued means you must have a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise to build upon – and have it readily available when you need guidance.
That’s where I come in!
My 3-track online conference is in-depth – and you can learn at your own flexible pace. Plus, there is SO much versatility here. Use this library of resources:
- to develop in-house professional development for all levels: leaders, managers and staff, organizational trainers, facilitators and HR professionals
- for new employee orientation & onboarding
- as a rich library of training tools and worksheets
- to give participants free access to downloads of my books and related worksheets
- to sponsor organizational Book Clubs through HR or ERGs
Those familiar with my teaching style know I offer engaging courses that are always authentic, inviting, and extensive. I’m passionate (some call it zealous!) about my role in creating equity and inclusion not only in businesses and organizations, but in our society as well.
Why? Because it’s that IMPORTANT. Period.
“Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth.”
-Jesse Jackson
3 Building Blocks to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
I designed my virtual conference package with three convenient, engaging tracks. Have a peek at what will be available to you:
#1: Interrupting Interpersonal Aggressions/Microaggressions: Critical Skills for Creating High-Performing, Inclusive Teams helps everyone in the organization to recognize and interrupt the daily indignities and interpersonal aggressions experienced by marginalized groups.
Highlights of Track #1:
- Recognizing Microaggressions Webinar
- Question & Answer Session with Dr. Tanya Williams
- Microaggressions Virtual Institute
- Creating Inclusive Teams and Classrooms from the Start Webinar
- 2020 Navigating Difficult Situations, Parts 1 & 2 Webinar
- In It for the Long Haul Self-Care Webinar
- Creating Inclusive High Performing Teams Webinar
#2: Interrupting Racism: Deepening the Capacity of Whites to Partner to Create Racially Just Organizations offers tools and strategies to increase the capacity and courage of white leaders and employees to partner effectively with people of color to create more racially inclusive organizations.
Highlights of Track #2:
- 2019 webinar: Recognizing & Interrupting Racism in Your Organization
- 2018 webinar: Interrupting Racism
- Feb 2018 Virtual Institute on Racism
- Recent radio show recordings packed with authentic dialogue & change strategies
- Racial Affinity Spaces video access
- Knowledge Base access
- 2020 Navigating Difficult Situations, Parts 1 & 2 webinar
- In It for the Long Haul Self-Care Webinar
#3: Creating Inclusive Organizations: Fostering Meaningful, Sustainable Organizational Change, specifically designed to increase and deepen focus on equity, diversity and inclusion and ensure continuous progress towards more inclusive organizations.
Highlights of Track #3:
- Creating Inclusion Webinar
- Inclusive Culture Webinar
- 2 Virtual Institutes on Creating Inclusive Organizations
- Radio show recordings packed with authentic dialogue, tips and strategies
- In It for the Long Haul Self-Care Webinar
- 2020 Navigating Difficult Situations, Parts 1 & 2 webinar
A New Way to Experience Professional Development Opportunities
As you can see, this isn’t your ordinary online conference – it’s a whole new way to experience professional development! Not only will you have a comprehensive learning opportunity at your fingertips, you can learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your own space, and still have time for all that is important to you.
And that is my sincere desire for you. As one dedicated to creating inclusion in your workplace and in our world, I want to help you as much as I can to work towards such an important goal.
“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”
-Maya Angelou
Learn more and register here!