Interrupt Racism, The White Way Is Not The Only Way
As we grew up, most of us didn’t realize we were being educated to believe white is right. I was socialized as a college administrator in predominantly white organizations that reinforced white cultural practices as the right way – the only way – to serve students. I couldn’t see the forest for the trees – I told myself I wasn’t racist! I didn’t realize I was perpetuating the very system I was fighting against.
It never occurred to me that the dances I coordinated or the training I designed and facilitated did not address the needs and issues of students of color. I simply perpetuated ideas and approaches that privileged whites had created – along with the barriers to people of color.
This is a hard reality to acknowledge and admit. Can you relate?
Want to Interrupt Racism? Look within.
Have you ever:
- Believed that your way – the white way – is the only way?
- Gotten angry because people of color are frustrated by the dynamics of white privilege?
- Asserted that you’re entitled to everything you’ve “worked hard for”?
- Cast blame on people of color for “using the system” or “playing the race card”?
- Felt irritated when a person of color found something you said racially insensitive?
You’re not alone…even if you’ve never uttered any of these statements to anyone.
“Privilege is when you can afford to sit back and criticize others who have to fight for the things you take for granted.” ― DaShanne Stokes
In my Master Class for Inclusion Practitioners – an intense 12-week course, I’m getting real about racism and so much more. This groundbreaking course is specifically designed to help develop the internal capacity of organizations so that they have the internal resources they need to partner with senior leaders to create more meaningful, sustainable change.
Tell me more! I’m want to become the go-to person my organization can count on to lead change.
You can raise the bar for yourself – and others – so that we can create more inclusive environments where everyone feels supported and accepted.
Fix Your Freeze/Fight/Flee/Flounder Feelings
I can still feel triggered and feel like I want to “take a person out” when confronting other whites on their racist comments or actions. But I know there is a more effective way.
And when I say something racist, I can recognize my behavior (sooner than I did before!), make amends, and of course, work to try harder next time. You can learn, too.
For me, this has been a long journey. I want to share this journey with you – and most importantly – all the most important strategies, tips, and tools I’ve learned through decades of work.
Think: Less fight, freeze, flee, and floundering – and more effective tools to recognize your own triggers as you work to diffuse and dismantle racism.
What would that mean for you, your organization…business…campus…community? Learn more here about my Master Class for Inclusion Practitioners.
Using A Race Lens That Considers all Perspectives – Not Just White
Tired of seeing the world through the lens of whiteness and white privilege?
I’ll show you how to see the world through a Race Lens – where every single person is deeply valued.
You’ll have a greater capacity to effectively analyze all policies, programs, and practices to ensure they support the needs and success of the full range of those you serve.
You’ll learn how to expand your network of white change agents and allies, to ensure that in every meeting, there are several people with the commitment to use your newly acquired Race Lens in all planning and decision making.
However, this isn’t all I’ll be covering in my Master Class for Inclusion Practitioners – an intense 12-week course: I’m getting real on a host of other issues, from microaggressions in the workplace to navigating difficult situations to the reasons why well-intended initiatives to create more inclusive environments often fall short of desired outcomes.
Join me on this life-changing, 12-week journey as I show you all the top tips, strategies, and tools that I know of to help you deepen your capacity to help your organization facilitate lasting change.
Our Diversity Is Our Strength
Do you know what famous actress said…
“Our diversity is our strength. What a dull and pointless life it would be if everyone was the same.”
That was Angelina Jolie…and indeed, our diversity is our collective strength.
When we work to build socially just, inclusive environments, our diversity becomes an incredible gift – to solve problems effectively, to deepen understanding, and to see issues in a new light in an environment where everyone is respected, valued, and treated with the utmost dignity.
Please, don’t keep this a secret! Let your colleagues and allies know about this Master Class so they can have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to participate in one of the most comprehensive courses for Inclusion Practitioners ever created.
Step into a higher level of leadership wherever you are – and raise your hand to organize a growing group of colleagues to accept their responsibility to create more racially just, inclusive environments.
It all starts with you…and it starts today.
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at