How to Take the Headache Out of Conferences (and still enjoy all the benefits)
You know the value of them – yet you get overwhelmed just thinking about juggling your work responsibilities and your personal schedule to attend them. Then there’s planning travel time and accommodations.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
Sign up for my all-new Envision 2020: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference – and forget about travel, traffic and scheduling hassles. This flexible conference package is based entirely online –
so it fits seamlessly into your busy schedule. A win-win!
Here’s what I know: when it comes to professional development opportunities, there is no “one size fits all” approach. I created my virtual conference package to give you the flexibility to move at your own pace – when you feel ready.
By engaging in the comfort of your own space, you’re relaxed. And you feel a sense of accomplishment – while you dreaded all the planning that goes into attending an in-person conference, you avoided it by attending online!
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
-Nelson Mandela
Why Bother with Professional Conferences?
If you want to keep up to date in your field, traditional conferences are a great way to:
- Connect with others in your field
- Discover new trends & gain fresh insights
- Establish & grow a network with others in your profession
- Bring back invaluable knowledge to your own workplace
Meeting other folks in your field is probably one of the best reasons for attending in-person conferences. By establishing relationships with those who share the same professional interests, you have a partner network to share ideas with, brainstorm new concepts, and discover solutions to on-going issues and troublesome dilemmas.
Conferences often feature prominent speakers who are experts in their field, and as a result, are familiar with top trends and the latest innovations – and that’s always exciting to hear!
By taking part in conferences, you bring back fresh knowledge to your own workplace – and can apply your newfound knowledge in your organization.
Above all, conferences generate enthusiasm! Speakers who are passionate about their work have a way of sharing their energy – which, in turn, inspires conference attendees.
Online Conferences: A Super Solution to Busy Schedules
There are always new inventions – but no one can invent more time (don’t we all wish).
“Time is what we want more, but what we use worst.”
-William Penn
Successful folks use their time wisely – and virtual conferences offer great benefits for busy career professionals looking for a more flexible alternative to traditional, in-person conferences.
Just a few of the advantages of online conferences are:
- Anytime access – no worries about navigating endless traffic
- Affordability – no airfares, taxi, room & meal costs
- No need to choose between two favorite courses offered at the same time – take both!
- Avoid travel time stress, hassles & scheduling conflicts
- Convenience – take part in a conference online from the comfort of your own space
Many online conferences also offer the opportunity to take part in live events or discussions. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and take part in active dialogue – where even more learning is gleaned.
Virtual Conferences Offer Innovative Ways to Learn
Years ago, physically attending in-person conferences was the only way to take part in the learning experience. Today, technology has allowed us to deepen our personal and professional development from practically anywhere in the world.
You can make the best use of your time. My all-new Envision 2020: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference is a bundled package of some of my most popular videos & training resources. You choose which ones are most relevant to your needs. You choose the time. You’re in control. LEARN MORE HERE.
And best of all, help and support is always available. As agents for change, moral support is key to avoiding burnout. I’m always an email away – and I’m passionate about sharing my expertise with you – so you can go on to inspire and motivate others in your organization with the tools & strategies needed to create inclusive teams and organizations.
“When you learn, teach. When you get, give…”
― Maya Angelou
Learn more about the benefits & register here for Envision 2020: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference.