Kathy Obear , E.D.D.
author | coach | facilitator | mentor
Kathy Obear , E.D.D.
author | coach | facilitator | mentor
Learn how to mobilize everyone in your organization to create more inclusive, socially just environments during my engaging 75-minute (including Q&A) webinar.
“Doing work around inclusion and equity is hard. Dr. Obear uses humor and story telling to help people to understand. Everyone comes into professional development at different levels and she does an excellent job at not shaming or blaming but trying to help others have self-awareness and an appreciation for others.”
– Deanne W. Hurley
VP for Enrollment Management + Student Affairs, Ursuline College
You know you need to infuse equity and inclusion into every level of your organization. But knowing and even being willing to accomplish it is not enough. You MUST take action.
In the current political climate we’re still in, there has never been a better time to ready your organization to create meaningful, sustainable, systemic change. Don’t you agree?
“I gained incredible skills which helped me find the courage to be more transparent during conflicts and surface issues that lead to constructive conversations rather than dancing around difficult topics.”
– Deb Coffin, Senior Executive