Center for Change and Transformation | Dr Kathy Obear

RE-Envision DEI:

A Virtual Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

with Dr. Kathy Obear

Center for Change and Transformation | Dr Kathy Obear

Watch this short video to better understand the purpose and details of this Virtual Conference and help you decide which Tracks may be most useful to your organization.

You know the value of professional development (PD).
Yet, in-person conferences can be difficult to attend (the travel risks & scheduling hassles).
Finally, I offer you an innovative new way to deepen your professional capacity!

Let’s face it: there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to Professional Development.
My versatile RE-Envision DEI Virtual Conference gives you the flexibility to engage in a comprehensive skill development experience on YOUR terms.

RE-Envision DEI:

A New Way to Experience Professional Development

On-Site Training

Sponsor a Virtual Conference for leaders and employees on-site.

In-House PD

Develop a 12-18-month in-house professional development program.

Train the Trainer

Compliment your in-house Training of Trainers Program.

RE-Envision DEI is Designed for Flexibility with Lifetime Virtual access to 3 Extensive Tracks Based on my Trifocal Model of Organizational Development…
Diversity in the Workplace | Equity | Infusing Diversity and Inclusion

Track#1: Individual Level

Interrupting Interpersonal Aggressions/Microaggressions- Critical Skills for Creating High-Performing, Inclusive Teams.  

Click here to learn more about Track 1

Track #2: Group Level

Interrupting Racism: Deepening the Capacity of Whites to Partner to Create Racially Just Organizations.

Click here to learn more about Track 2

Track #3: Organizational Level

Creating Inclusive Organizations:  Fostering Meaningful, Sustainable Organizational Change.

Click here to learn more about Track 3

I'm excited to offer this comprehensive skill development package of engaging resources that puts YOU in control!

Join me, Dr. Kathy Obear, for a Virtual Conference experience that you can access anytime/anywhere – with way less stress!

Accessible. Affordable. Engaging.

Why Participate?

This Virtual Conference was developed to deepen the capacity of Leaders, Managers, Supervisors and Employees to create truly equitable and inclusive organizations that accelerate:

      • Employee engagement

      • Greater levels of productivity 

      • Innovative service to clients and customers

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Resources Your Organization Needs, All in One Place

stencil (1)

Each Track Includes Access To:

  • Engaging Webinars, with proven practices & smart strategies
  • Comprehensive Virtual Institutes, to deepen your capacity even more
  • Recordings of Past Radio Shows, packed with authentic dialogue
  • Copies of All 3 of Kathy’s Bestselling Books
  • Helpful Worksheets Specifically Designed for Each Track, to reinforce learning 
  • Recordings of Past Q & A’s, with honest answers to common dilemmas

What Others Have to Say About Working with Kathy...

Brice Mickey

Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati

“Dr. Obear is a phenomenal presence both in person and online. Her seminars/webinars are engaging and relevant to people across all levels of the university hierarchy…”

Deb Coffin

Senior Executive

“I gained incredible skills which helped me find the courage to be more transparent during conflicts and surface issues that lead to constructive conversations.”

Dr. Victoria Farris

Farris Consulting

“The course offers a wide range of content… Kathy delivers the content in tangible ways that allowed me to immediately apply new strategies to my work.”

Gain LIFETIME Access to Kathy's Virtual Conference - All Tracks Now Offered FREE

Access Track #1 FREE:

Interrupting Interpersonal Aggressions / Microaggressions: Critical Skills for Creating High-Performing, Inclusive Teams. 

Access Track #2 FREE:

Interrupting Racism:
Deepening the Capacity of Whites to Partner to Create Racially Just Organizations.

Access Track #3 FREE:

Creating Inclusive Organizations: 

Fostering Meaningful and Sustainable
Organizational Change.

Gain Access to ALL 3 Tracks!

Lifetime Organizational Access to ALL 3 Tracks, Now Offered for FREE!

Have a question? Contact us!

"Daring leaders work to make sure people can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging." -Brené Brown

Don't Wait! The Time Is NOW!

This high-value virtual conference will become your go-to resource for years to come.

Join Dr. Kathy Obear’s LIFETIME Access Virtual Conference Free Today!

Track 1:

Interrupting Interpersonal Aggressions/Microaggressions:
Critical Skills for Creating High-Performing, Inclusive Teams

The 1st Conference Track was designed to deepen the capacity of employees and leaders to recognize and interrupt the daily indignities and interpersonal aggressions experienced by so many members of the full breadth of marginalized groups.

Watch this short video to learn more:

In Track 1, participants will deepen their capacity to:
  • Recognize common types of interpersonal aggressions and daily indignities for a full breadth of marginalized identity groups
  • Recognize the common negative impact of microaggressions on individuals, team work, innovation and productivity
  • Explore the cumulative impact of multiple, persistent interpersonal aggressions that often leave people feeling disrespected, under-valued, invisible or hyper-visible, and expendable
  • Choose courage and effectively intervene during microaggressions to create greater equity and inclusion
  • Respond effectively when our comments and behaviors impact others as interpersonal aggressions

Track 2:

Interrupting Racism:
Deepening the Capacity of Whites to Partner to Create Racially Just Organizations

The 2nd Track offers tools and strategies to increase the capacity and courage of white leaders and employees to partner effectively with people of color to dismantle racist dynamics and organizational practices as they intentionally create a more racially inclusive organization.

Watch this short video to learn more:

In Track 2, participants will deepen their capacity to:
  • Partner with people of color, Indigenous peoples, and other whites
  • Interrupt racist dynamics and practices
  • Create more racially just organizations, products and services
  • Do necessary self-work to recognize & disrupt Internalized Dominance
  • Identity racist attitudes and implicit biases
  • Choose courage
  • Analyze and revise policies, practices, programs and services to create greater racial equity

Track 3:

Creating Inclusive Organizations:
Fostering Meaningful, Sustainable Organizational Change

The 3rd Track is specifically designed to help leaders and those who focus on EDI strategic change to deepen their capacity to lead meaningful, sustainable culture change and develop the critical infrastructure and internal capacity to ensure continuous progress towards a more inclusive, equitable organization.

Watch this short video to learn more:

In Track 3, participants will deepen their capacity to:
  • Manifest meaningful, sustainable cultural change over the long haul
  • Mobilize and empower employees to recognize how the current organizational climate and culture negatively impacts individuals, teams and organizational goals
  • Identify unproductive, oppressive organizational dynamics, including written and unwritten rules, policies, practices, programs and services
  • Use the MCOD Model to facilitate more authentic dialogue and envision what is possible and necessary
  • Institutionalize efforts in critical infrastructure changes to deepen internal capacity and accountability for continuous change
  • AND create more support and structures for self-care and community care so leaders and change agents can avoid burnout and passion fatigue

Can't Decide? Try All Three FREE Today!

Gain Access to ALL 3 Tracks!

Lifetime Organizational Access to ALL 3 Tracks Now Offered for FREE!